Athletic Clearance
GHSA Physical Form (take to doctor)

Athletic Clearance
In order to participate in high school sports, ALL athletes MUST be CLEARED on RankOne to participate. Complete the steps listed below before summer running or the first day of official practice (July 29th, 2024), which ever comes first.
Athletes must have a current athletic physical exam documented on the GHSA School Physical Form ~ no exceptions ~ Complete in the 2025-2026 School Year!
Physicals are valid for 1 year from the physician's signature date.
Athletes must have a valid physical on file at all times.
You will upload your physical to the school's electronic document storage system, RankOne.
If your physical is set to expire between now and November 20th, make sure you schedule an appointment for a new physical as close to the expiration date as possible. Athletes will not be allowed to run with the team until their new physical is uploaded to DragonFly Maxx.
Complete All Forms on RankOne.
Parent and athlete signatures are required on each form as well as uploading the athlete's valid physical and a copy of your insurance card.To begin, use the instructions below.
After the forms are completed your account will be reviewed by the athletic director and you will be cleared in the RankOne portal.
Please understand, the coaches are not the ones that approve you in the system. It is our AHS athletic director.