
Parent Participation

We are often asked, "How can I help?" In order for the team and organization to function effectively and ensure that the athletes and coaches have an enjoyable season, one parent or guardian from each family is asked to commit to helping the team by participating in as many areas as possible. Please see the information below.

Booster Club Committees:

There are opportunities to chair several of the booster club committees. We have several positions open and will be looking to fill them during the summer. More information will be coming your way!

Sign-up Genius Requests:

We appreciate that not everyone can give their time, but most families can bring items. Booster club committee chairs will send out a sign-up genius email when they need your help bringing items to team events. Things like bottled water, sliced watermelon, fruit, bagels, etc.

There will also be times when committee chairs need your time. Most tasks are very easy and include things like picking up a smoothie order for a summer running event, helping set up at pasta parties, helping set up breakfast at the time trial ,etc.

Trail Work Days:

The cross country team will have a variety of trail work days throughout the year. We ask that each family commit to a minimum of 2 trail work days per calendar year. Our beautiful natural running trail is a training surface for our athletes and we need your help maintaining it and improving it. Trail work days are noted on the team calendar and we will also send out advance emails to remind you when a trail work day is coming up. Please see our Raider Trail page for information about the trail. It really is impressive!